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The polished tire technician Blacktraction LG has aesthetic function because shiny and beautify the tires, and DON’ T BECAME WITHE (rubber remain black) when end effect. Have technical efficiency anti-aging with long time effect because it enriches and maintains the elasticity of rubber, preventing and counteracting formation of cracks and increases the holding power of seals and membranes seen (eliminates annoying squeaks derived from the crystallization). It endures for a long time to aggressive detergents and temperature ranges (long duration of effect for about 1500 km on the tires).It’s innovative and practical because:
- immediately after ‘application you can use the’ car without dirtying the body;
- you can also be applied on dirty tires;
- resistant to aggressive detergents and temperature ranges, and the ‘effect is renewed for several washes;
- when the ‘effect decade the rubber remains black (it turns white as with other glossy tires);
- it allows glossy or matte finish, with different application methods.
Also to renew the original color and make water proof top on tissue.