RS on plastics and PVC
- prepare the material clean and dry
- apply RS with a brush, or with: cotton cloth, sponge (be careful to apply enough material to absorb,
and not just wet).
- After a few minutes, gently wipe the treated surface with a cloth, to even the application and remove excess (if applied with a brush).
- To left had residue of wax or silicon, apply with a rough/abrasive side sponge to wash pietti, and after few minutes, gently wipe the treated surface with a cloth.
- To polish materials anodized, apply directly with a cloth and then remove the excess.
- To clean / degrease PVC and plastic from chickpea and dirt: apply, leave on for a few minutes, and
uniform with a micro fiber cloth. - To clean spotted gaskets, rub with a cloth dipped with RS and wipe with a clean cloth.
- To clean the paint of cars from tree resin, applying RS and leave for a few minutes; then removed with a plastic scraper.
- To clean PVC, after the application with brush, wipe with a microfiber cloth to remove.
- Wait the treated material it’ s dry to the touch before to wash with aggressive detergents
- DON’ T APPLY on: wet materials or heated by direct sunlight; at temperatures close to zero degrees
- Wait the product it’s completely absorbed (dry to the touch), to clean with aggressive cleaner.
The materials very porous and degraded, should have highter absorption and may require a second application after any days.
- Prepare the materials dry
- Apply the product abundant quantity in the case of high porosity and degradation
- After any minutes uniform with a cloth
- After a few days, if the absorption is very high, repeat application without exceeding the quantity, to make uniform the parts where absorption have been greater (only for carbon fiber).
- Wait for the treated material is dry to the touch before washing with aggressive detergents
- DON’ T APPLY on: wet materials or heated by direct sunlight; at temperatures close to zero degrees
- Wait the product it’s completely absorbed (dry to the touch), to clean with aggressive cleaner.
- Prepare the materials clean and dry
- Protect the parties not involved in the renewal because the product stain;
- Apply as RS, and wait for the complete absorption (dry to the touch) to wash with aggressive detergents.
- Protect yourself because the product stain
- Wait for the treated material is dry to the touch before washing with aggressive detergents
- DON’ T APPLY on: wet materials or heated by direct sunlight; at temperatures close to zero degrees
- Wait the product it’s completely absorbed (dry to the touch), to clean with aggressive cleaner.
- Prepare clean and dry the surface.
- Apply RSB in short sections with the abrasive side of a sponge or steel wool to dissolve the hardened absorbed dirt.
- After a few seconds, rub with the abrasive part until the dirt is not dissolved by the product;
- Clean immediately with a clean cotton or micro fiber cloth, before the dirty become solidify.
- Application on white plastic heated by direct sunlight give more effect and falicities the to obtain the best result
- Wait for the treated material is dry to the touch before washing with aggressive detergents
- DON’ T APPLY on wet materials or at temperatures close to zero degrees
- Wait the product it’s completely absorbed (dry to the touch), to clean with aggressive cleaner.
BLACKTRACTION and ATT for rubber and tires
BLACKTRACTION and ATT, increase the property of rubber and are applied are applied on the surface of the tread of the tire and rubber components synthetic TO NOT CONTACT FOOD (o-rings, gaskets, profiles, collectors, rubber soles, hoses, components).
- Prepare the material clean and dry
- Shake before using
- Apply and spread evenly with a brush on the tread of the tire.
- Wait for completely absorbed (touch dry) before to use the tires.
A second application after absorption of the first, increases the effect of the product.
The application on the tread of the tire components and very old and crystallized, produces immediate effect, growing and conservative, evident after a few days when the product will act in depth.
They should be apply inside the tread of tires too.
- protect surfaces not interested at application because the product stain
- wait for the rubber has finished the absorption (dry to the touch) before to use the tires
- protect yourself and clothes because the product stain.
- Prepare the area dry and clean;
- Shake before use;
- Apply and evenly spread with a brush on tires (for seals even with cloth).
To get black matte finish not gloss on the side of the tires, go with a cloth a few minutes after application. Do not apply to tires and gaskets overheated by direct exposure to the sun’s rays or wet.
RC tire rubber sponge of radio controlled cars
- Apply RC tires sponge dry with a brush and after massage harmonizing application
- Wait until they are dry (we recommend application any hours before the use, for full absorption).
GP just for racing tires
- Applies only in the internal part of the tire, in correspondence of the tread
- It allows application and immediate use.
Effect remains for about 6 months, or for all the duration of the tire when it is consumed within this time.
Very important After a first run, check the tire pressure and make the necessary adjustments (increase or decrease the pressure of the tires). If the pressure comes out from the optimum operating range, completely remove air or gas used, and remake the pressures from zero. Then check again to make any correction of pressure, having now stabilized the product inside the compound.
LEATHER skin and leather
- Prepare the material clean and dry
- Shake before using
- Apply with a brush at short spaces, little by little, spreading the product uniformly
- After a few minutes uniform and remove the excess with a cotton cloth
- Wait skin or leather will be dry to the touch.
Just to clean, apply with a brush, wait any moment, and then take off with a microfiber cloth.
After any minutes leather and skin will be dry to the touch, water repellent to very long time.
ATTENTION: sometimes skin are painted without protection and that don’ t resist to LEATHER degreaser power; so it’ s reccomended to therefore it is advisable to do a test in a hidden point (especially on the seats of used cars), to verify are protected (not discolored).
BLACK LEATHER to black skin and leather
- Prepare the material clean and dry
- Shake before using
- Apply Black Leather with a brush or cloth
- Wait a few minutes and wipe the surface with a cloth, to uniform application and remove any excess
- Wait for the absorption it’ s finish (dry to the touch).
After any minutes leather and skin will be dry to the touch, water repellent to very long time.
CAUTIONS: Protect your self, clothes and the parties not interested at apply because the product stain. Do not apply on wet materials.
- don’ t apply on material: wet, at a temperature close to zero, overheated (not just to RSB and product to increase tires adherence)
- the application on materials tepid helps absorption and duration of effect
- application and effect are renewable
- they are not corrosive to the materials for which they were developed
- stored closed don’ t expire
- wait until the treated materials are well dry before washing with aggressive detergents
- store away from direct sources of heat and direct sunlight
- keep away from children.
If you have any doubts, look at the video application, or send an e-mail with your questions.