- articolo autosprint 1993
La telemetria dei test effettuati con moto da competizione durante le prove ufficiali, documentano l’efficacia dell’ applicazione di blacktraction a pneumatici da competizione, come le prove di frenata con auto e moto stradali (vedi video).
Il grafico della telemetria mostra il maggiore carico sopportato dal’ ammortizzatore quando Blacktraction è stato applicato agli pneumatici, rispetto alla minore escursione (che indica minore carico sopportato/ perdita di aderenza e successiva ripresa di grip), registrata utilizzando pneumatici originali (le linee viola in basso rappresentano la compressione del mono ammortizzatore (shock); maggiore sugli pneumatici con blacktraction, indicativo che hanno potuto sopportare maggiore carico senza perdere aderenza, permettendo di utilizzare più potenza e percorrere la curva ad una velocità maggiore.
Non tutti gli automobilisti e motociclisti hanno la sensibilità per avvertire l’effetto di Blacktraction sugli pneumatici; tutti però adesso possono trarre vantaggio perchè permette di ridurre lo spazio di frenata.
- ritorno in macchina dopo 23 anni
In competitions we are tested and developed technological innovations that subsequently equip cars and road bikes (ABS, ESP, engine, suspension, tires, oils, fuels, additives, aerodynamics, electronics, materials); and from competition are derived knowledge they have led to the creation of products Blacktraction.
They are born from ‘experience gained by the founder of Blacktraction Cisolla Marco, in 35 years of living on track (starting at 6 years to compete with the radio-controlled cars and the first motorcycle), collaboration, evidence and knowledge gained in improving the performance of the tires, that are now available to all motorists to increase the ‘grip, control and road safety, to prevent or reduce the violence of and his consequences.
The telemetry tests with racing bikes during official practice, documenting the effectiveness of blacktraction’s products application to racing tires, as the braking tests with cars and road bikes (see video).
The graph of telemetry shows the majority load supported by the ‘shock when Blacktraction has been applied to tires, compared to the lower range (indicating less load supported / loss of adhesion and subsequent recovery of grip), recorded using original tires (purple lines in below represent the compression of the shock absorber); more on tires with blacktraction, an indication that they could endure greater load without losing grip, allowing you to use more power and take the curve/corner at a higher speed.